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Communication is the single most important factor in successful teamwork. Facilitating communication does not mean holding meetings all the time. Instead it means setting an example by remaining open to suggestions and concerns, by asking questions and offering help, and by doing everything you can to avoid confusion in your own communication.


Within communication strategies, internal communication is often overlooked, yet it is

vitally important. It is the communication that relates directly to the foundation of your organisation: the people – staff, management and volunteers – that give your organisation its ability to function. Developing so und internal communication processes and evaluating these processes on a regular basis is the same as making sure your car runs smoothly and is serviced regularly. If the many different pieces of your car do not fit smoothly together, you will not get where you are going very quickly, if you get there at all. Similarly, if the people that make up your organisation do not work together effectively, your organisation will not achieve its objectives as fast, if at all. An internal communication strategy is the key to ensuring a cohesive organisation focused on achieving its goals and objectives.


It is the communication that relates directly to the foundation of your organisation: the people – staff, management and volunteers – that give your organisation its ability to function. Developing sound internal communication processes and evaluating these processes on a regular basis is the same as making sure your car runs smoothly and is serviced regularly. If the many different pieces of your car do not fit smoothly together, you will not get where you are going very quickly, if you get there at all. Similarly, if the people that make up your organisation do not work together effectively, your organisation will not achieve its objectives as fast, if at all.


This course is designed especially for teachers and headmasters but also managers in general who aim at improving internal communication or better said, inclusive communication.

The training covers topics including:

  • analysing organisational culture

  • audit methodologies and application

  • change management theory

  • using research to inform and help develop internal communication strategies

  • internal communication for employee engagement

  • psychology of communication.


Structure: the course last 7 days including travel days



Introduction to the program, presentation of the team, logistic and rules

Getting to know each others

Erasmus Plus dimension and sharing experiences among participants


  • organisational culture and transformation

  • communication theory and strategic internal communication and engagement


  • planning and managing

  • setting the right tone – the fit between internal and external communication

  • DAY 4

  • using social media for internal communications

  • the role of communications in transforming organisations.


Development of a strategic plan of internal communication

Sharing feedbacks


Writing a self evalaution for Europass mobility


The experience also includes practical activities

  • writing press releases

  • internal and external communications, including social media

  • media relations

  • event organisation

  • managing press launches

  • presentations.


Fruthermore, visit to schools, meetings with teachers, intercultural activities, radio and TV experiences in local media.


Communication strategies to improve management and synergy among people working together



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