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The CLIL method - Content Learning Integrated Language


"CLIL refers to situations where subjects, or parts of subjects, are taught

through a foreign language with dual-focused aims, namely the learning of

content and the simultaneous learning of a foreign language." - David Marsh,

University of Jyväskylä, Finland (1994)

The term CLIL refers to the integration of contents and language in the

learning process: while using a foreign language, you can learn contents

at the same time, improving the level of language competence and the

motivation and interest to the subject. This can be carried out by the

teacher of this target language using cross-curricular content or the

subject teacher using the target language as medium of instruction.

The essence of CLIL is in integration. It is a dual-focused education

approach whereby content and language goals are pursued with a

sophisticated understanding of student cognition, usually referred to as

thinking skills.

However, in addition to a focus on content and language, there is a third

element that comes into play: learning skills. The development of learning

skills supports the achievement of content language goals.

There are many advantages to the CLIL approach:

  • it develops confident learners and enhances academic cognitive

processes and communication skills.

  • CLIL encourages intercultural understanding and community


  • In addition, research shows that learners become more sensitive to

vocabulary and ideas presented in their first language as well as in

the target language and they gain more extensive and varied


  • In the target language, learners reach proficiency levels in all four

skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing.

CLIL is an ‘umbrella’ term that embraces any type of programme where

an additional language is used to teach non-linguistic content matter.

Author: Catherine Perri - JUMP Trainer

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