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Joyful English. An Erasmus + training by JUMP for European Teachers and schools

If you have always thought that learning English was boring, think again. Learning English can be fun and engaging if you involve your students in real life activities such as, role plays, pitching, short talks, debates and so on….

So, do you still think English is boring? Let’s start by ditching the textbooks and bring on more hands- on activities where your students can actually emerge themselves into real world situations, let their imagination run wild and use their creativity in inventing amazing stories.

Joyful English is all about building confidence in a Non-English speaker, improving the ability to speak English in front of an audience, thus, learning how to think and discuss important issues in English.

So…what are you waiting for, come along and join us in one of our fun and exciting sessions!


Catherine Perri - JUMP Trainer

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