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CSB – Cultural Studies in Business course


The idea of this training was born thanks to an Erasmus project in the university environment developed in the years 2018-2020 by a consortium of 6 universities (4 European universities from Italy, Portugal, Lithuania and Croatia and 2 non-European universities from the Republic of North Macedonia and Albania) and JUMP as the only NGO

The course focuses on the necessary dialogue between cultural studies and economic and business studies.

Economists are very focused on their specific field, while humanities such as sociologists, anthropologists, philosophers, etc. aim to expand our understanding of the human world through a broad interdisciplinary approach.

The training aims at an integration of these various disciplines through a number of interesting activities involving the exchange of good practices.

Target group

Teachers are English and economics teachers, or professionals in charge of guidance and support for school-work placement (but could also be useful for school leaders).

This course is also available for teachers who want to approach (or deepen) this topic to introduce a new subject in the curriculum or as a specific workshop moment during the school year.

Main objectives

The training is based on lectures given by an international team of lecturers from the 6 universities, which contain important information and reflections on European and global issues useful for secondary school or university students to broaden their perspectives.

During the course an attempt will be made to develop an entrepreneurial culture involving both teachers and students.

Discover more about the program.

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