Today, only the teacher who manages to incorporate many figures, acting in a transversal way with respect to the multidimensionality of the problems that surround the school world, is considered truly super competent. At the basis of teaching there is always a kind of vocation that coincides with that of being a mentor. The substantial difference lies in simply being a 'professional mentor' or in combining traditional tasks with actions to manage (more specifically) adverse situations for pupils, thus going beyond the boundary of 'simple, classical school teaching'.
The general objective is to provide teachers with the tools to better understand their role (not only as subject teachers), and the necessary skills to carry it out in a more active way, helping and motivating students.
The course also aims to define the differences between coach and mentor, and which of the two may be more suitable for a teacher.
A coach can help a student to set goals and give him the tools to achieve them, using only his own skills. A mentor, on the other hand, can be a guide or a more lasting role model.
Target group
Usually, teachers who have a good level of English, with a leadership role in their school, school managers or project coordinators.
In general, teachers who feel they have a vocation to be mentors.
Key objectives
The course offers interesting insights into the centrality of the person in need of help, of a coach who can stimulate them towards the constant search for personal solutions.
Furthermore, as already mentioned, The JUMP Training Academy Team, will highlight the subtle differences between the two learning interventions (coach and mentor), which are often confused, and train participants to use them correctly according to the needs of the person to be helped.
The aim is not to teach how to be a fully accredited coach or mentor, but rather to transfer a set of effective skills that can be put into practice in daily life and work.
Among these, active listening and asking the right questions are fundamental aspects through which the teacher will learn to establish an effective relationship with each student, facilitating the development of his/her full potential.
Discover more about the program.