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Trouble with student’s attention? Try NFE!


We live in an age of communication. It is now that Watzlavick’s statement “It is impossible not to communicate” referring to the fact that even refraining from communication is in fact communication, couldn’t be more true. Social media has a hold of most of our student’s time engaging them for hours on. Video games and reels seem to be the main gratification source. And although, a lot of this media, withholds knowledge and important skills… Most of the time it is not the case.

The exposure to media’s particular method of communication, which is mostly visual rather than written, is training your student in experiencing learning in a different way from that we were used to.

In order to regain your student’s attention and find the strength in this change, rather than looking at it as an obstacle, you may try NFE (Non Formal Education) and some of its tools!

Non-Formal Education is a non-evaluating, engaging, student centered, cooperative, interest and values based educational model. It relies on creating an inclusive context where the students are active learners taking part in the selection of topics, information and activities. Instead of focusing on handing out knowledge to them, you will facilitate them in to acquiring their own knowledge! And most of all a valuable set of skills.

NFE is strongly associated with the 8 Key competences:

1. Literacy competence

2. Multilingual competence

3. Mathematical competence and competence in science, technology and engineering

4. Digital competence

5. Personal, social and learning to learn competence

6. Citizenship competence

7. Entrepreneurship competence

8. Cultural awareness and expression competence

Which are a set of skills not only useful in the school context, but for their life. A good practice is, when planning your NFE lessons and activities, to ask your self “Which key competences will my students develop through this lesson/activity?” or “How can I teach this topic in a way that helps my students develop key competences?”

You may also try tools like:

Outdoor education-> Which takes your students outside the classroom experiencing the real world.

Story telling-> To stimulate their minds, create mental impressions and deliver important information in a way that does not just interact with their brain but touches their soul.

Team building-> To favor cooperation, resilience, social skills and synergy.

EcoSchooling-> To have them grow closer to the environmental topic and have a better understanding of ecology and what actions can they take to create change.

Critical thinking-> To increase their judgemental autonomy, search for valid information, build self confidence and problem solving abilities.

Author: Giuseppe Perrotti - JUMP Trainer

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