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The third online meeting of the consortium of the Out of the box project


Aggiornamento: 10 mag 2021

Last Friday May the 7th there was the third Out of the box project team meeting.

Apart from getting to know the end of the digital tool presentation of last meeting, the consortium was informed that after the domain will be bought, it will be possible to start building the platform.

The consortium choose the most appealing platform layout among three different suggestions.

There was also a short discussion about where to integrate the WIKI sessions, but it has been decided to go deeper into this topic in the following meeting.

Also the reporting topic has been discussed, with some peaces of advice about how to correctly report.

A first draft of the logo has been shown.

The consortium works and exchanges files through, so there was a short excursus on how this platform works.

Jump and Playing NGO will work together to formulate a few questions about outdoor education for the survey which will be sent to teachers, to help structuring better the platform on their needs.

The consortium looks forward to the next online meeting!

Written by

Sonia Simpatico - JUMP team

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