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The first mobility within the Erasmus+ Project "Pedagogy for Change"

After the successful series of online conferences organized by JUMP on behalf of the project Pedagogy for Change, from 14/11 to 17/11/2022 has taken place in Montemor-o-novo (Portugal) the workshop “TOGETHER FOR CLIMATE”.

The mobility hosted by the association for local development MARCA-ADL, whose mission since 1997 is to promote the social and economic development of rural regions, brought together partners from Poland, Portugal, Spain and Italy. The objective of the workshop was to build cooperation among youth in activities concerning environmental protection by acquiring knowledge and skills in terms of in-depth knowledge of climate change: the causes, environmental and human consequences, ways to prevent the effects of the climate crisis, good practices for climate protection.

During the first session the participants discussed issues of climate change in their communities. They also saw an example of how local projects tackle this issue. This is the case of Ecoality who proposes ecological solutions for public events involving upcycling, circular economy and reuse.

The second day of the workshop was dedicated to the visit to the 'Viveiro', the plant nursery designed and built from scratch in 2015, in the context of the European Life Lines project. A space where the vegetative propagation of herbs, trees and shrubs of the autochthonous flora is carried out, by means of cuttings and seed germination, with genetic variability. A very important work of maintenance of local biodiversity and conservation and improvement of nature and heritage.

The third day was useful to define the context for the initiatives to be implemented in the next year at local level. Each partner outlined the next steps choosing one environmental issue to address (water access, marine pollution, food waste, irrigation), stakeholders to engage and resources needed, integrating suggestions from partners and discussion about the ideas.

This experience was enriching for every participant and succeeded in developing motivation and defining the objectives of educational work for climate protection to be implemented in the next future.


Written by Francesca Politi - JUMP Team

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