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Erasmus + training on STEM/STEAM Education - new frontiers for innovative schools - March 2023


A wonderful experience was faced last week.

We had the pleasure to have here in Jump Academy: Ana and Ana Maria, two teachers from Spain; Karin from Estonia; and Matej, the youngest teacher of the group from Slovenia.

This week, we have been through complex topics about how teaching is relevant today and how we can improve student engagement in this particular period of our life.

Especially after the Covid-19 pandemic, the way of teaching has changed.

Teachers and students even changed their relationships. On one side, students became uninspired and disinterested, and on the other side teachers' motivation decreased.

With our course based on TICO, Teaching is Innovation, Communication, and Outdoor Education, we emphasized the importance of STEAM, the integration of the Arts in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math subjects.


By improving our communication with students, with a better-wised knowledge that communication among people is based on different conversational styles, and by being aware of how speaking works and why it sometimes goes well and other times badly,

Also explaining the invisible process of conversational style that shapes any kind of relationship gives us a better understanding of these processes and restores a sense of control over our lives, making it possible to improve communication and relationships in all settings where people talk to each other: at work, at school, in interviews, in public affairs, and most important of all, at home.

The integration of the Arts in all subjects has led to a different but innovative way of thinking to better engage students in the classroom.

Many teachers are hesitant to pursue Steam because they believe it is yet another autonomous program (which it is not) that takes away valuable hours needed to cover the course content (which it does not).

But, there are many reasons why the Arts should remain available to all students at all grade levels:

-Engage young brain

-Advance social growth

-Develop cognitive growth

-Promote creativity

-Improve long-term memory

-Introduce novelty

-Reduce stress

-Make teaching more interesting

Further innovation through the integration of new digital and technological teaching methods is beneficial to the whole classroom context.

  • A more engaged learning environment where Technology can help teachers present topics in more interactive and creative ways.

  • Enhancing digital skills as an integral part of students' professional and personal lives.

  • Technology as an opportunity to better connect with students and also explain curriculum material in a new way.

  • Technology as a great way to promote collaboration

  • technology as a support for students in their learning.

During the week, teachers learned the importance of understanding that learning is an active process and that sometimes the best and most memorable learning experiences happen outside the classroom.

They experienced the goal of Erasmus plus: they became aware that through transversal and cross-sectoral education that promotes non-formal education, teachers think outside the box and become open-minded European supporters.

Author: Roberta Muratore - JUMP Team

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