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STEM/STEAM Education. New frontiers for innovative schools

How do you lead students to think creatively?

How do STEM educators weave arts activities into a sometimes inflexible STEM curriculum?

The answer is STEAM, and A is for the ARTS!

Many STEM teachers appear to be reluctant to pursue STEAM because they believe it is another autonomous program (which is not) that takes away precious hours needed to cover the course content (which it does not).

So, why should we pursue integrating the arts into the STEM subjects to form STEAM lessons?

It has been found that STEAM- the integration of music, visual arts, and drama into daily STEM instruction - is proven to enhance student achievement in STEM subjects.

-Engaging in the arts has numerous positive effects on human brain growth and learning and Arts develop cognitive and social growth and boost creativity.

-It explains the nature of creativity and shows teachers ways to improve creativity in themselves and in their students.

-It updates their knowledge base and includes reasearch based strategies and support systems as part of their repertoire.

-It also helps professional developers implement and maintain the knowledge and strategies that STEM teachers will need.

Our course in STEM/STEAM Education is based to let teachers recognize ways in which art-related skills support, complement, and enhance those skills that students need to be successful in discovering what the basic understandings of the STEM areas are all about.

Many schools are recognizing today the need to improve their STEM instruction so, they support STEAM as well as testimony to its effectiveness.

The trainers at JUMP Academy will help you realize that integrating the arts into the STEM classroom can spark creativity in you and your students. And by the end of the course, you will know that STEAM can increase student engagement by making lessons more interesting and encouraging deeper discussions that can lead to higher student achievement.

"The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious- the fundamental emotion which stands at the cradle of true art and true science."

Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

from "The World as I See It" (1949)


Trainee teachers can be teachers working in public or private schools or educational institutions. Depending on the starting level of knowledge of the trainees, this course is structured to be versatile.

Moreover, in line with the Jump Academy teaching methodology standards, this course, like all our courses, tries to balance formal and non-formal education, performed indoors and outdoors.

JUMP team always tries to enhance the fundamental aspect of international mobility that is intercultural learning implemented through various interesting activities.

What are you waiting for?

JUMP with us!

Author: Roberta Muratore, JUMP Team

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