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STEAM in today's education


As Educators explore various strategies to equip students with the skills and knowledge they’ll need to be successful innovators in the 21st century workforce, there has been a significant emphasis on STEAM, an educational discipline that engages students around the subjects of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math.

Many education experts regard STEAM (and its predecessor STEM) as an essential component of 21st century education. Why? In an increasingly complex world, it’s more important than ever that our youth are prepared to bring knowledge and skills to solve problems, make sense of information, and know how to gather and evaluate evidence to make decisions. Enhancing such skills lies at the heart of STEM and STEAM education.

Additionally, STEM and STEAM graduates play a vital role in developing important solutions to social problems, such as the (COVID-19) public health crisis we recently experienced.

In today’s world, preparing students for future success means exposing them to these disciplines comprehensively in order to develop their critical thinking skills.

“Education is under pressure due to an ever changing world, the ability to solve novel problems has become increasingly vital.”

The sooner students are exposed to the STEAM disciplines, the better. Not only does a STEAM framework teach students how to think critically, problem solve and use creativity, it prepares students to work in fields that are poised for growth. Educating students in STEM subjects (if taught correctly) prepares students for life, regardless of the profession they choose to follow, Steam education teaches students how to think critically and how to solve problems — skills that can be used throughout life to help them get through tough times and take advantage of opportunities whenever they appear.

An important part of this educational approach is that students who are taught under a STEAM framework are not just taught the subject matter but they are taught how to learn, how to ask questions, how to experiment and how to create.


Catherine Perri - JUMP Team

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