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New year and new European projects with JUMP


Thanks to the Erasmus Plus programme and in collaboration with the Maria Ausiliatrice Institute and the Guarasci-Calabretta of Soverato, the JUMP association unites young people, students and educators from Calabria by offering them opportunities for personal growth and professional training, all over Europe

The New Year starts with a lot of Europe in Calabria thanks to JUMP.

These days, as many as 13 young people, high school students and teachers are in Kosice, Slovakia (5 - 11 January 2023) for an important training meeting. Health, physical and mental wellbeing are the main topics addressed during the project activities, which also include the enhancement of the language and digital skills of the participants, who are also from Romania and French Martinique, hosted by their Slovakian colleagues together with the Italian JUMP representation.

JUMP united students and teachers from both schools, the Maria Ausiliatrice in Soverato and the IIS Guarasci-Calabretta, in two projects: the first entitled 'Health is Wealth' and the second, 'Lets learn foreign languages through games and interactive activities', on language learning and new technologies.

The combination of formal and non-formal education represents the strength of the collaboration between associations and schools. JUMP has over 10 years of experience in writing and managing European projects and international teacher training. With more than 1,500 Erasmus participants, the JUMP team brings together young people and educators to grow in and out of school through working groups preparing on project topics, using new technologies, creating multimedia products (videos, interactive presentations, graphic publications), participating in workshops, all in English.

January's mobility in Slovakia is an opportunity to meet again, to verify what has been learnt at a distance, to see the results and to be together while discovering the local reality of the partners, EDU4YOU and Spojená škola, an association and a school, in the beautiful city of Kosice. Our young people from Calabria wrote many beautiful articles for the project blog created by the JUMP team. On the youtube channel you can also find some very nice video recipes that revisit typical dishes in a light key . In addition, a graphic booklet informs and educates young people not only about physical but also mental wellbeing, a topic we should all reflect on to support the younger generation.

We will continue throughout 2023 to pursue innovative activities and offer mobility opportunities to all those interested. Follow us also on our Facebook page

Here are the first group photos of the ongoing international experience.

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