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Make your own book trailer with EU-Read&Art Trainings

Nowadays videos have become the go-to choice for content consumption. Book trailers are a medium that provides a way to combine the immediacy and power of video, with the in-depth approach of a book.

A book trailer is a versatile visual tool that can generate interest and give a series of clues about where and when the book is set, the general tone and the characters leaving the viewer wanting to know what happens. To find out, they have to read the book! Therefore these short, animated adverts for books are valuable resources with which to inspire learners reading, writing, speaking and listening.

For this reason we are glad to announce a new section of the website containing all the training materials realized by the team of ACADEMIA from Maribor, the Slovenian partner of the project “EU-READ&ART” expert on visual art and professional video making. In the period March – April 2022 JUMP and ACADEMIA together organized “Let’s BOOK TRAILER“, a series of 4 online meetings opened to a wider public. The first meeting was introductory to present the project and the other three ones have been technical training sessions.

Many Readers Book Lovers and teachers all over Europe participated. Thanks to these materials now all of them are realizing book trailers and training their colleagues, friends and students of different ages.

Now you can also train yourself or download them for your learners/colleagues and new Readers Book Lovers. So get started and contribute to the First Online European Library of Book Trailers with your multimedia product!

Author: Francesca Politi - JUMP Team

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