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JUMP session on European dimension of education – Let’s Teach Europe Project Dissemination

Within its path of internationalization of the underdeveloped region of Calabria, JUMP Association is promoting and disseminating the results of the Erasmus+ project “Let’s Teach Europe” whose aim is to develop the idea of treating European heritage as a pedagogical and integration tool.

The project has been presented during the Erasmus+ trainings held in Soverato, where JUMP is based, addressed to international teachers in the framework of the K1 action. 9 people from Poland, Spain and Slovakia attended a session about European Cultural Heritage, with emphasis on Heritage Education and discovered the project, the partnership and the main goals.

The had a chance to explore Europe’s rich and diverse cultural heritage, and to reflect on the place it occupies in their lives. Moreover, they acquired knowledge on how to use heritage not only as a topic to learn about, but also as a tool in the learning process and as a powerful learning environment for the development of various skills and social competences.


Francesca Politi - JUMP Team

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