Despite the difficult situation that the whole world is experiencing and the restrictions imposed by the epidemic of Covid-19, the Association JUMP - Youth in reSALTO of Soverato (CZ), adapting to smart working, is an example of virtuous network in the field of European planning. The year 2021 opens in fact with the approval of several major projects that involve, especially schools and young people, in educational processes, training and international learning with many opportunities for training, work and mobility.
Here are the ongoing and upcoming projects.
Project "Let's Teach Europe" is the KA204 strategic partnership for Adult Education for the discovery and enhancement of European cultural heritage with partners in Poland, Spain and England.
There are three KA205 strategic partnerships in the Youth sector:
"M.O.T.H.E.R. Mobility - Opportunity - Training for an Higher Employment Rate" project where JUMP as Leader, collaborates with partners from Portugal, Macedonia, Hungary, Lithuania and Greece. The project will map young smart workers and workers linked to their homeland for the creation of international business. In addition, the same will benefit from free training by the partners, in English, on the most current issues and in line with the new European strategies.
Project "CI-YU Circular Economy Youth Leader" with the aim of improving the awareness of young people on the culture of "green" business with partners from Belgium, Serbia, Slovenia, Cyprus, Greece and Hungary.
"Gaming as Social Skills Learning Tool" project that stems from the idea of using non-formal education as a learning tool and an opportunity for personal growth and social skills development of young people. On this occasion JUMP Association is a partner together with the two Norwegian organizations Veksttorget Marked As (leader) and PRIOS Kompetanse AS, the Turkish public institution Karabaglar Kaymakamligi, the University WSEI (Higher School of Economics and Business) of Lublin in Poland and the Spanish non-governmental association Backslash.
There are two major projects aimed at targeting schools.
Project "eMotions Mapping" in support of the Maria Ausiliatrice Institute of Soverato with five other partner schools in Romania, Turkey, Spain, Portugal and Lithuania.
The last approved - by the way - with great pride - result first in Luxembourg - but written by the JUMP team - project "Education Out of the Box" which will be a long research on the history of education for the creation of a European digital platform that collects practices, methods and tools for teachers of schools of the first cycle of education who live in disadvantaged contexts, rural areas and who have poor language and digital skills.
Finally, the project only for under 30 with the provocative title, "Make cash out of trash", which provides for the selection, soon, of five young people aged 18 to 30 years for a youth exchange in Romania on the theme of recycling, reuse and development of entrepreneurial skills in future generations.
Thanks to almost ten years of experience and a lot of teamwork, JUMP Association continues to expand its network and to overcome the boundaries by laying the foundations for new collaborations waiting to be able to discover, breathe and live freely the true European dimension, as it used to be, without the limits imposed by the pandemic.