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Highlights of the first EU-READ&ART Learning Teaching Training

During the week 12/09-16/09 the first Learning Mobility supported by Erasmus “Creative Trainers, Creative&Digital Learners.” has taken place in Soverato (Italy), hosted by JUMP. This is the first out of 3 learning mobilities that belong to a deep and dynamic learning process of adult learners. These 5 days in Soverato are in fact the starting point of a learning process lasting 2 years!

The balance of this first LTT is more than positive: 10 new book trailers have been realised, new and transversal competences have been developed, and thanks to workshops, learning moments and non-formal activities covering the topics of storytelling (Greek Cultural Institute), theatre (Solution), and video making (Academia) we strengthened a network of Creative Minds at EU Level.

In particular, thanks to this mobility we succeeded in:

– training trainers and key adult learners on strategic topics

– strengthening team building and international cooperation

– delivering higher level of knowledge of Calabria region so-called Magna Graecia

Check out the galleries of the whole week on the EUread&art website


Francesca Politi - JUMP Team

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