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European common values in Poznanas part of Let’s Teach Europe project


Let’s Teach Europe project has covered a new milestone with the mobility of 6-7-8 of September 2022.

Our “Jump- Gioventù in risalto” team was hosted by the big private language school “Kontakt” in the beautiful city of Poznan (Poland). Good times, culture and history permeated the mobility project, encouraging exchanges amongst the different partners.

Let’s Teach Europe is a Project which aims to bring cultural heritage in schools, in the teaching system.

Cultural heritage is thus viewed as a resource for students to understand the origin of our Europe, develop common values amongst different countries and cultures, use cultural heritage as a mean to teach a variety of subjects, promote active citizenship and European identity.

And yes, during our mobility in Poznan, we did just that. Together with some fun time and getting to know the wonderful people of Kontakt school and other participants.

On the first day we were instructed on the complexity of polish language and, most of us, where able to grasp the most useful words to get along with the local population (like Przepraszam- Excuse me).

To our surprise, we discovered there being two different ways of answering the famous question “what is your name?” One which presumes you would only say your first name (Jestem ……- I am …..) and another one where it is mandatory to say name and surname! (Nazywam sie- My name is).

The majority of participants got hold of the expression to say thank you (Dziekuje) although many felt like settling for the infamous “I don’t understand” (Nie rozumiem).

Through out the day we had the chance to visit many historical places in Poznan. As Let’s Teach Europe project mentions the importance to witness all places that contributed to make Europe what it is today.

Among our visits, the royal castle, the ancient cathedral and the museum Brama Poznania from which we had a wide understanding of Polish history from 930 A.D. through the contemporary era! The museums where outstanding in their interactivity and great in the application of digital competences. All thanks to personal guide devices and interaction buttons.

On the second day we visited the Enigma Museum that literally dropped us in the midst of World War two Poland. We learned about the Nazi’s Enigma coding machine and the great contribution of Polish mathematicians to break the enemy’s encrypted communications.

The whole place was interactive and encouraged you to try several encoding devices running through the wide history of secret messages. Some examples where Caesar’s secret alphabet, Jefferson’s cylinder, the use of invisible ink and much more.

In the afternoon we got access to the Imperial Castle. A monumental structure with a beautiful inner garden. Although it was built only in 1910, it exuded Polish history from the early Middle Ages till today.

Of great value are the bas-reliefs narrating the different key points in Polish history.

On the last day the whole company rode over the Piast trail. Where we have been extensively instructed on the life of Mieszko I, first ruler of Poland, and his wife Dobrawa.

We also developed an appreciation for Polish cuisine by tasting local sweets, Pierogi (a type of ravioli), Bigos (traditional stew), Mashlanka (sour milk to drink while having lunch or dinner) and several more dishes.

From the places we have seen, the vitality of our hosts and the history we have witnessed. We understood the differences from our culture and that of Poland. Still, we had the chance to feel the great pride in expressing values like democracy, defense of human rights, the care for human life, the great effort to recover from a difficult past, yet the courage to look at the future. In the end, the greatest prize was that to feel closer to the hardships of Poland, in our hearts, and recognize compassionately how we are all striving toward a new European identity. One that unites cultures and valorizes their diversities. Because we might be different but can feel one in our European union.

And to our admirable hosts and you reader, Jump team says “Na Razie!” (See you!)

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