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EUread&art. The 2nd Transnational Project Meeting was held in… Paris!

One month after the first international training activity of the project took place in Soverato (Italy), team leaders from all partner organizations met in France for the 2nd Transnational Project Meeting (TPM) of EU-READ&ART project!

The meeting was held this week in Paris, on 25th and 26 October 2022, organized and hosted by SOLUTION, the French partner of the consortium. Representatives from each of the other countries that compose it (Italy, Slovenia, Lithuania, Germany, Greece) attended in person, and, for some of them, it represented also a great opportunity to meet for the first time, to better know each other, and strenghthen cooperation and solid relationships.

Vida Sekoniene from Ignalina Public Library, leading organization of the consortium, shared an update about the successful evaluation of EU-READ&ART mid-term report sent by the Lithuanian Erasmus+ National Agency, which also outlined some useful indications to improve even more the high quality standard of the project, its inclusiveness and effectiveness at large scale.

Almost one year has passed since the start of the activities, and the state of the art of the project was comprehensively reported by Erika Gerardini from Jump Association; team leaders collaborated in reviewing the work done so far and progress results by each partner, planning more in details the next steps and activities.

Partners reported about all that was already implemented at local level, like the interactive and multisensorial reading labs, also sharing good practices and format created, that can be useful in particular for the organization of the next iniziatives in all partner countries.

Concurrently the dissemination actions and mobility plan were revised and partners took decisions regarding the involvement of local partners and main streaming of the project during next year, the planification of the next LTTA (Learning Teaching adn Training Activity) in May 2023 in Athens (Greece) and of the subsequent and last team leader meeting in June 2023 in Taranto (Italy). Finally common rules and practices were revised to better manage the administrative part and the progresses in financial reporting.

The meeting was a fruitful occasion for partners to meet in person, exchange experiences, clarify doubts and ask for support to collegues, share feedback, monitor the progress and implementation of the project’s activities and take effective decisions to ensure the continuing success of the initiative, improving the achievement and dissemination of the collaborative partnership’s results.

220 amazing book trailers have already been created so far! And many more are going to be published in the next months to reach the project goal of creating and publishing at least 500 on our appealing and interactive platform, the first European digital library of book trailers and adult creativity expressions.

Stay tuned and Let’s keep reading and book-trailing!


Alessia Simonetti - JUMP Team

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