Thanks to the cooperation with the Department of Political Sciences of La Sapienza University of Rome, in occasion of the week-event to celebrate the signing of the Treaties of Rome, the JUMP coordinators Pietro Curatola and Erika Gerardini present 14 EU projects, realized, ongoing and to be started covering the period 2014 - 2021.
Today, 24 of March 2021, from 2 to 4 PM on Google Meet, the coordinators of JUMP and managers of the spin of company, C.T.E. SRL Centro Territoriale Europeo of Soverato/Satriano marina (CZ) will give a lecturer in the format of a "Dialogue" with La Sapienza students, learning on International relations and cooperation. Title: "Tra Europa e realtà" (between Europe and reality)
Prof. Umberto Triulzi and Emanuela Ferreri invited Pietro Curatola and Erika Gerardini to lead one of the "Dialogues on Europe" included in a full weeks of meetings at high level, with experts, lecturers and key-note speakers.
The week has been organized mainly by another great lecturer, Prof. Maria Cristina Marchetti* who has led one of the main important European projects with JUMP as the second Italian partner, titled "CBS - Cultural Studies in Business" (Erasmus Plus Strategic Partnership in the field of Higher Education).
The JUMP team has worked with EU programs and projects since before the creation of the organization in 2013. The coordinators have more than 15 years experience, crossing different eras of frameworks and EU strategies, matured previously in other contexts and cities (mainly Modena and Rome).
Starting in 2014 when they decided to invest definitely in being settled in the Calabria region, a difficult area, isolated and disadvantaged from the rest of Italy, but which we see rich in many aspects: high-quality of life, natural landscapes, history, traditions and European roots, good food and good mood, of course, good weather almost all the year.
Since 2013 JUMP developed EU projects supported by different EU grants Programs.
1) CSB - Cultural Studies in Business
2) SO-VET - Social Entrepreneurship as alternative for Young unemployed (2016-2018)
3) GREEN FINGERS to develop entrepreneurship competences in youths on organic farming
4) Volu.M.E . Volunteers Management Enhanced
5) GreenAbility
6) Social Media in Formal Education
7) We School Europe
8) We School Europe Teachers Power
Started in 2020
9) GAMING as social skills learning tool, as partner of a Norwegian coordinator
10) Let's Teach Europe! European Heritage as a pedagogical and integration tool in adult education
11) eMotions Mapping
Just started in 2021
12) CI-YOU - Circular Economy Youth Leaders
13) M.O.T.H.E.R. Mobility - Opportunity - Training for an Higher Employment Rate
14) Edu.O.Box - Education Out of the Box
JUMP website page where all EU projects have a dedicated page:
(work in progress for the projects just-started)
The program of the week organized by La Sapienza University titled "Dialogues on Europe" (22 - 26/03/2021)
Pdf to be downloaded:
* Full Professor of Sociology of Political Phenomena. President of the Teaching Area in Political Science and International Relations. Department of Political Science. Sapienza University of Rome