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Coaching&Mentoring_ Erasmus Plus Training with JUMP


Mentoring which comes from the Greek word meaning «enduring» is defined as a trusted and sustained relationship between two or more people. A mentor is a person who has walked through many of the same trials and tribulations in which their mentee has gone though and has been successful in getting through those endeavours.

The key to creating effective mentoring relationships lies in the development of trust between two strangers of different ages. Without establishing trust, however, mentors can never truly support a mentee. This can often be a difficult process.

Mentoring is guiding someone to learn or develop faster than they might on their own. A mentoring program usually focuses on the future, career development and broadening an individual’s horizons. On the contrary, coaching focuses on concrete issues, such as managing more effectively, speaking more articulately, and learning how to think strategically. A coach teaches a person how to improve certain skills they already possess.


Catherine Perri - JUMP Trainer

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