Associazione Culturale JUMP Gioventù in riSALTO is selecting 5 young people aged between 18 and 25 years old for the training for future youth leaders on behalf of the K2 Erasmus Plus project “CI-YOU Circular Economy Youth Leaders”.
Place: Brussels (Belgium)
Training Venue: Maison d'Istrie, Av. Louise 261, 1000 Bruxelles
Training dates: 26.05.2023 (arrival day) - 31.05.2023 (departure day)
Project information
CI-YOU is a Strategic Partnership for Youth on behalf of Erasmus Plus involving 8 european partners and developed in the period 2021-2023.
The main aim of the project is to help further improve the level of green business culture in Europe by providing the youth with knowledge and concepts in the field of the circular economy and fostering a sense of initiative and circular entrepreneurship among young people while stimulating them to develop skills needed in the circular economy through training and skills development.
The project idea is about promoting quality circular economy jobs in the consortium’s partner countries developing circular entrepreneurial skills and self-employment possibilities for the youth by raising awareness about the importance and the potential of circular economy among public administration at regional and local level.
More info about the project on the website
How to send the application Please fill the Google Form with all the personal data and information within March 15th, 2023 and write an email to sending the copy of the ID card or passport.