JUMP ACADEMY4 ott 2022Tempo di lettura: 1 minHighlights of the first EU-READ&ART Learning Teaching TrainingDuring the week 12/09-16/09 the first Learning Mobility supported by Erasmus “Creative Trainers, Creative&Digital Learners.” has taken...
JUMP ACADEMY18 lug 2022Tempo di lettura: 2 minEUread&art. A taste of European literatureThere is no better way to savor good reading of the classics again than through the sense of taste. That’s right! That’s exactly what was...
JUMP ACADEMY12 giu 2022Tempo di lettura: 2 minEUread&art. Words and sensations uniting different European ages and culturesThe second of the 5 literary and sensory workshops in the “EU-Read&Art” project, aimed at raising European adults’awareness of reading...
JUMP ACADEMY9 giu 2022Tempo di lettura: 2 minA simple trick to read more!Life is continuously on the go and everything in it happens so fast… That it is hard to make room for things that are slow moving and...
JUMP ACADEMY17 mag 2022Tempo di lettura: 2 minComing soon: the first EU-READ&ART Reading lab on 19th may in Soverato with JUMP AssociationIt is with great excitement that we announce the launch of the first Reading Lab of the EU-READ&ART project! The event will take place in...
JUMP ACADEMY22 apr 2022Tempo di lettura: 1 minEUread&art project. The first collaboration with a local school in ItalyEU-READ&ART comes across as a common space to work together in Europe. The educational sector, including all European and overseas...
JUMP ACADEMY8 apr 2022Tempo di lettura: 1 minEUread&art. A look into the production stages of book trailersIn order to bring more quality to our digital library, participants will be guided by professionals from a school of media production...