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21 mag 2022Tempo di lettura: 2 min
A touching immersive experience: great feedback from the first Reading Lab of the EUread&art project
A multicultural and multi-sensorial event took place last thursday 19th may in the charming city of Soverato, in the south of Italy, the...
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20 apr 2022Tempo di lettura: 2 min
Understanding the origins of Calabria in “La Roccelletta di Borgia”
Driving along 106 Jonica-road, you may stumble upon many archeological attractions. Such peculiar places are not always well signaled and...
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5 apr 2022Tempo di lettura: 1 min
Aperta la call per la selezione di giovani per le mobilità finanziate dal programma Erasmus Plus!
JUMP - Gioventù in riSalto, che da anni è coinvolta in progetti europei ed internazionali, con partners storici e di diversi Paesi,...
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16 mar 2022Tempo di lettura: 1 min
Reading habits across the world
One of the main goals of the Erasmus+ project EU-READ&ART is to Increase the number of EU readers. But what do statistics reveal about...
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11 mar 2022Tempo di lettura: 2 min
The first Learning Teaching Training within GSSLT, the Erasmus+ Project about gaming
Youths and gaming have come to stay, and instead of considering it as a problem, we can consider it as an opportunity Gaming as Social...
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23 feb 2022Tempo di lettura: 1 min
Outdoor Education to enhance pupils participation - JUMP ACADEMY
According to EU guidelines and recommendations in the educational field, it’s fundamental to enrich the didactic with new activities....
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18 feb 2022Tempo di lettura: 1 min
Hermit of Monte Stella – A catholic sanctuary inside a cave
Calabria offers to the eye of the visitor the charm of the sacred with its spiritual side made of places of faith and religious worship....
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11 feb 2022Tempo di lettura: 1 min
Calabrian “Stonehenge” – Geological Heritage
Mysteriously hidden in the Calabrian woods there are archeological sites with megaliths as protagonists. Whether they are evidence of...
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29 nov 2021Tempo di lettura: 2 min
A Byzantine Gem: The Cattolica of Stilo
Greeks, Byzantines, Normans, Bourbons and more, have chosen over history this corner of the earth to settle. A region with a singular...
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24 nov 2021Tempo di lettura: 2 min
The first Mediterranean Day in history will be celebrated this November 28
The European continent has been the cradle of the most advanced civilisations that have influenced the rest of the world.In a delicate...
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14 set 2021Tempo di lettura: 2 min
“U’ morzeddu” catanzarese – the traditional symbol of Catanzaro city
The origin of one of the most traditional dishes of Catanzaro, the capital of the Calabria region, is very old and linked with the legend...
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25 ago 2021Tempo di lettura: 2 min
49 years since the discovery of the Riace Bronzes (460–450 BC)
16th of August 1972: a great day for the artistic and archaeological heritage of Calabria. The Ionian Sea returns to the solid land a...
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7 lug 2021Tempo di lettura: 1 min
Let’s teach Europe in Soverato with a big group of international teachers!
A very intensive training week has just ended in Soverato, (Calabria, Italy) with JUMP and a group of 2 Slovenian and 8 Polish teachers...
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20 mag 2021Tempo di lettura: 1 min
Social benefits of video games
According to latest research studies, playing video games is considered a social activity with social benefits which boosts learning,...
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18 mag 2021Tempo di lettura: 1 min
CODING@SCHOOL COMPUTATIONAL THINKING DEVELOPMENT. Code as a scheme to build classroom dialogue
Coding is becoming increasingly popular because, on the one hand, it stimulates learning by making it fun and easy (especially in primary...
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17 mag 2021Tempo di lettura: 2 min
Coaching&Mentoring. Innovative technics for teachers and educators to fight drop up and motivate all
Today, only the teacher who manages to incorporate many figures, acting in a transversal way with respect to the multidimensionality of...
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13 mag 2021Tempo di lettura: 2 min
OUTDOOR LEARNING. Teachers and staff team building-working together and build cooperation projects
Team building is probably the best way to build collaborative and high-performing teams, whose collaborative work will have an impact on...
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11 mag 2021Tempo di lettura: 2 min
MAY 9: the "Europe Day"
On May 9, the European Union celebrated the "Europe Day", a day that has become a symbol over the years and that sees, for the occasion,...
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11 mag 2021Tempo di lettura: 3 min
Old units of measurement used by Calabrian peasants
Until a few decades ago, the systems and units of measurement prescribed by Ferdinand I of Aragon in the ancient Kingdom of Naples were...
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10 mag 2021Tempo di lettura: 2 min
Erasmus Plus Training with JUMP - Business English Course
Non formal training - Take out the English communication that is in you and use it to improve your career, find a job and develop your...
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