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Teachers Training on MIL - Media Education to fight bullying phenomena and foster inclusion

Media and information literacy is considered as a whole and includes a combination of competencies (knowledge, skills and attitudes). Indeed, the Council of the European Union indicated in 2018 with the “Key Competences for lifelong learning” of May 2018 literacy as the 1st competence.

In this training participants will learn how to develop and use Media Education to prevent and fight bullying, especially in school where "approximately 32 percent of students report being bullied" and the two phenomenon are often interconnected. The increasing use of social media and media tools at school and the increasing phenomena of bullying, in fact, start from very young students.

Although schools are apparently not obliged to have media literacy education in their curriculum, they are strongly advised to do so. Many schools are already working to improve the digital citizenship of their students. Meaning that students are aware of social media and use it in a responsible way.

By the end of this course, you’ll be familiar with:

  • Media education/MIL definitions, theories and updated trends

  • The process of teaching and learning about media by means of critical thinking and the importance of culture

  • The systematic instruction of media critical analysis and production skills through various media contents and technologies

  • Promoting critical thinking, autonomy and initiative in dealing with media messages. Strengthening the capacities, rights and responsibilities of individuals vis à vis the media

  • Facilitating access and the creative and productive use of information and communication technologies

  • Design, Organization and Development of Educational Activities Relating to Media Education

  • Design and Application of Media Literacy Assessment Systems

Plan your session at JUMP ACADEMY!

Author: Francesca Politi - JUMP Team

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