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Memories of a mission in Uganda - EU read&art booktrailer

The short book titled “Memories of a mission in Uganda” doesn’t have a publisher but it has been written by the real protagonist, Mr Rosario Varano who has been a nurse all life. He went to Uganda in 2007 thanks to a priest, Padre Paolino, and from that moment his life changed. He always gets emotional when he tries to remember what happened in Africa where he saw what it meant to suffer real hunger and lack of everything.

He spent some months there, after coming back his life was not the same and he felt the need to go back, and back and back.

The book trailer is finally published and to realize it it hasn’t been easy.

This book trailer is the result of a laboratory realized by JUMP with adult learners of the Third Age University of Soverato and Rosario is an active member for years.

Rosario is absolutely not digital skilled, he doesn’t like and doesn’t use the computer in his daily life. Imagine creating a book trailer. His friend and English teacher, Karin Van Beek helped him to learn and produce this first short example with patience and care.

The video has been edited with pro and it contains all the feelings and the emotions which Rosario couldn’t share with us.

Author: Erika Gerardini, JUMP Team

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