EU-READ&ART project has entered into the second year of implementation, and among the variety of interesting and successful activities that have already been realized, we are glad to announce the launch of a brand new training initiative!
JUMP Association will start on 21 February 2023 an online training path for a group of European teachers who have already attended a Videomaking course at JUMP training Academy in Soverato (Italy) through Erasmus+ KA1 mobility projects planned by the schools they work at. After getting to know the EU-READ&ART project, they expressed their enthusiasm to discover more and to be part of it, so JUMP committed to training them as new Readers book lovers, on specific competences related to the ability to create Booktrailers and to introduce their use in the classroom. Later on, this group of around twenty teachers will act as a multiplier in their schools, with colleagues and students, disseminating, even more, the innovative methodologies created, the project platform and its use on a European level.
Several teachers from Portugal, Latvia, Germany, Lithuania, Romania have already enrolled to this Online Training Path of 4 afternoon meetings, covering topics that include the preproduction, production and post production phases of the Booktrailers creation.
The first three sessions will be held on 21, 28 February and on 7 March 2023.
After some time dedicated to participants’ project work for the realization of their booktrailers, the 4th session will be held on 21 March 2023, a Follow up session to watch the products realized during this training path, to share feedback and eventual improvements, and to upload them on the project platform, the first European digital library of Booktrailers and adult creativity expression.
The trainers from JUMP team, Alessia Simonetti and Francesca Politi, will share with participants learning materials that will support the training process, and that will also be useful as a point of reference to sustain the teachers’ implementation of these new methodologies with their students, on the long term. What participants are going to learn will help them to improve their teaching and students engaging skills, but it also unites a passion for books and reading with the improvement of digital skills, so important nowadays.
We are eager to start, so… Let’s Booktrailers together!
Article written by Alessia Simonetti, JUMP Team