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2 apr 2022Tempo di lettura: 2 min
An unusual church carved out of rocks
The backwash of the crystal clear sea of the Gulf of Sant’Eufemia prepares the visitor for a scenery that only this place can offer. A...
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13 mar 2022Tempo di lettura: 2 min
The underwater archeological park of Kaulon
In the territory of the municipality of Monasterace Marina, along the lower Ionian coast of the province of Reggio Calabria, there is one...
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7 mar 2022Tempo di lettura: 1 min
Calabrian meatballs on Shrove Tuesday!
The word carnival comes from the Latin carnem levare (to remove the flesh), as it referred to the banquet held on Shrove Tuesday. Shrove...
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11 feb 2022Tempo di lettura: 1 min
Calabrian “Stonehenge” – Geological Heritage
Mysteriously hidden in the Calabrian woods there are archeological sites with megaliths as protagonists. Whether they are evidence of...
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7 feb 2022Tempo di lettura: 2 min
The ancient custom of ‘Candelora’
Every year, on 2 February, the custom of ‘Candelora’ is celebrated. The first evidence of this feast dates back to the 4th century, when...
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10 dic 2021Tempo di lettura: 2 min
Harvesting the green gold of Calabria, Italy
There is something unique in Calabria: its hills are covered by olive trees. Olive trees each two years are harvested and from its fruits...
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24 nov 2021Tempo di lettura: 2 min
The first Mediterranean Day in history will be celebrated this November 28
The European continent has been the cradle of the most advanced civilisations that have influenced the rest of the world.In a delicate...
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19 ott 2021Tempo di lettura: 2 min
The Calabrian fathers of the Gregorian calendar
In the 16th century the Gregorian Reform changed the way we keep track of dates. Behind this event we find three key characters with a...
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31 ago 2021Tempo di lettura: 2 min
The most famous monolith in Calabria
We are in the north-eastern area of Aspromonte National Park, called “Valley of the Great stones”, in the municipalities of San Luca and...
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20 lug 2021Tempo di lettura: 3 min
Linguistic influences around Calabrian Dialects
In ancient times, the territories of Calabria were known as Ausonia, the ancient Greek name for lower Italy, after the name of a...
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21 giu 2021Tempo di lettura: 2 min
The extraordinary creative sphere of Mattia Preti, the “Cavaliere Calabrese”
Among the greatest names in the 17th century, among the many talented artists to emerge, one name stands alone: Mattia Preti. Son of...
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17 giu 2021Tempo di lettura: 2 min
Dry stone walls listed in the world heritage by UNESCO: an example in Badolato, Southern Italy
By putting a stone next to another stone, which will be put next to another one and so on, you can build up dry stone walls. For the...
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4 giu 2021Tempo di lettura: 2 min
An ancient Arabian irrigation system in Badolato, Southern Italy
Today I will present to you how an ancient watering technique, which is still used in a marvelous garden in Badolato, works. This system...
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31 mag 2021Tempo di lettura: 2 min
Old sounds from Southern Italy: Calabrian folk music
“Listen to a Calabrian peasant singing as he follows his oxen along the furrow, or as he shakes the branches of his olive tree. That...
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11 mag 2021Tempo di lettura: 3 min
Old units of measurement used by Calabrian peasants
Until a few decades ago, the systems and units of measurement prescribed by Ferdinand I of Aragon in the ancient Kingdom of Naples were...
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10 mag 2021Tempo di lettura: 3 min
Memoirs of 19th century Calabria
The desire to learn through exploration is not a new phenomenon, it also provides a link to the past. During the 17th and 18th centuries...
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3 mag 2021Tempo di lettura: 2 min
Made in Calabria – Homemade soap
«A wonderful myth about the origin of soap is it was a gift to humanity from the Roman Goddess Sapo. Burnt offerings were made at her...
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20 apr 2021Tempo di lettura: 3 min
Linguistic heritage – Italian-Albanian minority in the heart of Calabria
The tale of a community starts from what makes it unique. A population identifies itself in cultural expressions that pass on its history...
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19 apr 2021Tempo di lettura: 1 min
Killing the envy in Badolato – Calabria, Italy
“Crepa l’invidia” means “Should die your envy” and by walking around in Badolato, you will find this writing at some catojo (dialect word...
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9 apr 2021Tempo di lettura: 3 min
Linguistic heritage – A unique variety of Greek in Calabria
According to UNESCO “one language disappears on average every two weeks, taking with it an entire cultural and intellectual heritage.” ...
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