to improve pupils participation and
fight drop out
Description and main aims
Draft proposed program
Outdoor learning is a working method where parts of the everyday life in school is moved out of the classroom – into the local environment. Outdoor learning implies frequent and purpose-driven activities outside the classroom.
The working method gives the pupils the opportunity to use their bodies and senses in learning activities in the real world in order to obtain personal and concrete experiences. Outdoor learning allows room for academic activities, communication, social interaction, experience, spontaneity, play, curiosity and fantasy. Outdoor learning is about activating all the school subjects in an integrated training where activities out-of-doors and indoors are closely linked together. The pupils learn in an authentic context: that is, they learn about nature in nature, about society in the society and about the local environment in the local environment. (Jordet 1998:24).
During a weekly programme of activity (6 days) participants work directly with local colleagues and children approaching different ways to practice Outdoor Learning depending on the the School Programme. Adapting new activities in order to enrich the didactic the team will live a dynamic and interactive week going out of the classroom and experimenting formal topics using Non Formal Education. The Programme foresees also activities in other social spaces of the city of Soverato, in local libraries or in the green spaces in front of the beach.
Due to the particularity that JUMP is based on the Jonian coast, we give a particular attention to environmental topics and to the culture of protection of the sea and of our natural beautiful landscapes.
Depending on the number of participants, on the period of the year (weather conditions), JUMP organises, in occasion of teachers trainings, "Outdoor Education Weeks" involving a wider audience (parents and the local community, media). After an opening day, participants to the training learn the basics of theories and practices of the general topic of "Outdoor Education" which has a long tradition but also different perspectives if at local, at European or Global level. Two core days of the week are usually spent in a local school.
Counting with a very good cooperation with all the schools of the city, Soverato is a regional polo of schools, JUMP agrees that Erasmus Plus international teachers can prepare workshops and jump into local classes practicing theories of Outdoor Education and putting in practice methods and approaches, and, above all, new "creative ideas" of international classes to be delivered completely Outdoor, or in other spaces - if possible outdoor or anyway, out of the class.
JUMP always structure its training to develop transversal competences like
spirit of initiative
flexibility in changing and empower motivation, passion and a more open mind approach. Outdoor Lessons and in general, the outdoor approach go much beyond spaces and materials, they imply a change in school habits and teachers go out of their "comfort zone" - the safe and protected environment of the class.
PROPOSED PROGRAM of a week in Soverato (CZ - Calabria - Italy)
Sunday: arrival day of participants at Lamezia Terme airport. Pick up at the airport (usually organised by JUMP) - welcome in the lodging place (usually Villa Gabriella International (local b&b part of a network of b&b in the same area to facilitate the logistic, JUMP headquarter and working space for all trainings) https://www.vgabriella.org/
Depending on arrival time, JUMP organises a first social pizza all together with a special cheap price in a local pizzeria.
Monday: 9:30 opening of the program. Welcome by organizers, logistic info, short and dynamic presentation of the program.
Ice breaking and getting to know each others games. Outdoor city game to start the team building process, create a positive working mood, have a direct contact with local citizens and know more about the Calabrian context and culture.
Lunch break.
Free time after lunch.
Afternoon session - 15:30 / 17:30
Outdoor or indoor activity with a JUMP trainer . Continuation of the session to better know participants, their schools, the Erasmus projects supporting the mobility. Personal and professional goals. Sharing experiences and learning needs.
Session on EU guidelines and recommendation in the educational field. Session on "Teachers of the 21st century: competences and new frameworks".
Tuesday morning : 9:30 the day starts with 3 hours session on "Outdoor education. methodological approaches, theories and practices. European and global perspectives. Manuals and T-Kit for teachers".
Lunch break
Tuesday afternoon: 15:30 - 2 hours session on "Sharing ideas and experiences or Outdoor Education and Learning. Benefits and feasibility".
Practical moment: Planning the Outdoor Labs to be delivered the days after in a local school (depending on the target group of the teachers).
Wednesday and Thursday mornings are developed in a local school with an agreed time-table. Usually 4 hours of classes. Moments for debriefing and interaction with local teachers, parents and students. Visit of the schools spaces and of the outdoor environments.
Wednesday afternoon : Mid term evaluation of the week. Debriefing of the first morning in school and planning of the second morning.
Thursday afternoon: 15:30 or 16:00 Ready for an outdoor walk to Soverato superiore and to the botanical garden. Activity for the team building, to release stress and tiredness and realise the learning process. JUMP makes a guided tour, informal but also culturally high level showing the places and the natural beauties around the city.
Friday morning: 9:30 session on "Creating my own learning pathway". Teachers plan the feasibility of a program of Outdoor Education in their schools and a dissemination plan of the mobility in Soverato with JUMP.
Friday afternoon: 15:30 or 16:00 Excursion to an old village which depends on the period of the year and the topic of the week. Participants are guided to discover more the Calabrian culture and traditions and usually a meal is organised for the socialization and also to start to say good bye.
Saturday morning: 9:30 session of final evaluation. Europass and competences acquired, Key competences for the lifelong learning. Delivery of admin documents and certificates.
Sunday: departure of participants