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JUMP became expert in supporting participants to manage also the bureaucracy behind their Erasmus Plus projects even we checked that a lot depends on how work their National Agencies and the on the level of experience of school coordinators.

Usually is needed to fill a LMA LEARNING MOBILITY AGREEMENT before the mobility where sending, participants and training providers fix all the general details like:

- description of the training;

- main aims;

- description of the activities;

- learning outcomes;

- period.

This document is signed by all partners.

JUMP usually support sending institutions to fill it in a draft but then, is during the "real experience" of the ongoing mobility that concretely you check if all contents can be confirmed. It can happen that some activities are not possible for many reasons or, better, that was was planned, can be enriched and give to the foreseen training an added value and a higher quality.

Research of quality is our "ongoing process" and, thanks to the mistakes of the past, we are improving and offering even better services.

Another important aspect is the EUROPASS MOBILITY.

Sending partners are in charge of the creation of the Europass Mobility format already completed by the main parts and participants datas. 

In the last 2 years we saw that participants are not so involved in the creation of their Europass which are documents thought for their career and for the certification of improved competences and skills. 

During our trainings JUMP ALWAYS foreseen a specific session on Erasmus Plus which is for us a "bitter and sweet" revolution which in many cases changed and improved the quality of the training and educational system. In this session we face the topic of the importance of self evaluation of participants which depends on them. We, as trainers, we organize also, always an EVALUATION SESSION but is necessary to start since the beginning to reflect on the 8 Key competences for the Life Long Learning (our file rouge ever) and then to be able to fix, so write down, our personal evaluation on the process of learning and living the experience with us: at professional, intercultural and human level.

Furthermore, JUMP delivers a formal CERTIFICATE OF ATTENDANCE with a nice graphic, with logos and institutional signatures. Depending on where the training take place, usually in a school, we co-sign the document with the school director. For teachers we know that certification is a key issue so we always want them to receive it and to be gratified by the fact to have take part to an international training, the fruit of an Erasmus Plus project written by a team in a school but which has to benefit of the learning community.

JUMP philosophy and method are based on Non Formal Education. We hate questionnaires so our evaluations and our "certificates moments" are always "not a final moment of an incredible week in Italy" but a "first step for future cooperation working together".

Here below some example of our evaluation moments and post it left by participants.

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