Let’s make INCLUSION at school
Non-Formal Education is the answer
Draft proposed program
It’s 2021 and we are all facing new challenges. Schools are already the most inclusive places of our communities and the educational points of views for all citizens. But inclusion is also a concept changing according to European guidelines and emerging problems caused and exaggerated by the global pandemic. While before inclusive approaches and policies were needed mainly for special needs students or for borderline subjects (students at risk of drop out). It’s necessary to restart a process of reflection and adopt new strategies to make the school systems and teaching a real inclusive “place” where also those who don’t feel excluded or “problematic” can understand the importance of this topic. JUMP is an organization which since the beginning, proposes the use of Non-Formal Education as the most inclusive way to learn in groups and make all feeling part of the learning process. At school, it’s mostly used a formal approach, while all actual European guidelines foster a more synergetic dialogue between formal and non-formal education. What is called “Non-Formal Education” (NFE) is still considered a topic for “youths”, low level, without a clear and deep educational purpose and not valid to get the formal validation/evaluation by teachers and public institutions. It exists as a consistent and authoritative important literature demonstrating the opposite. The Erasmus Plus Programme supports the use of NFE as complementary to formal education and underlines the importance of cooperation between schools and entities using non-formal education, especially for inclusion and to empower active participation.
The main important institution in Europe which created manuals and official tools on Non Formal Education is the Council of Europe. NFE is not new but in the last year, many authorities at the European and Global level recognised that it’s a powerful tool that creates an inclusive and open-minded environment.
This course will train teachers on Non-Formal Education techniques, specifically focused on inclusion. Many teachers in Europe are still using old fashioned approaches and don’t know Non Formal methods to make classes more inclusive, interactive and fun. The youth field in the years, especially, in the previous Erasmus era developed many tools and innovative ideas. This training is based on the expertise of the JUMP Team in this field, with years of practice and teachers training and on the research of ongoing and realized projects at the EU level which foresaw the creation of tools, manuals, training paths and new methodological approaches.
Target group
Teachers can be any kind of teacher working in a public or private school or educational institutions.
Like all our programs, the present one is flexible and adaptable to special requests, depending on the subject taught or on the starting level of the participant.
Furthermore, in line with the JUMP Academy method, our courses are based on a strategic balance between formal and non-formal education, indoor and outdoor education and the team takes care of a very important aspect of international mobility which is the intercultural learning which we develop with short excursions and facilitating the interaction with local partners, especially schools of the territory.
We always try to connect our learners to local teachers and students to cooperate in developing innovation and networking for future projects. If possible, inside the program, a morning is spent inside a local school, visiting, observing, and cooperating in the realization of one or more lessons. The proposed program JUMP works, in European dimension and with an international spirit, at the local level and, according to the period of the training along the year and the weather, it is possible to change some sessions and add visits and meetings, in cooperation with our network of partners including schools involved in European projects).
Training modules
1) Module 1: EU policies and actual guidelines on Non-Formal Education
2) Module 2: NFE, different environments of practices and existing tools
3) Module 3: Formal and Non-Formal, barriers and advantages, a possible dialogue
4) Module 4: NFE in class and other environments of development
5) Module 5: Teaching profession between Formal and Non Formal Education. The importance also of Informal learning for students
6) Module 6: NFE, developing my learning and development pathway
Sunday: arrival of participants, welcome by the B&B, social dinner, free time and relax.
Monday: 09:00 - 12:00 first briefing by organizers, presentation of the team, logistics of the local context, program overview and changes, moving to the city centre. Outdoor team building game “The Mission Impossible in Soverato by JUMP”. Getting to know the Cultural Heritage of Calabria region.
12:00 - 13:00 lesson. Introduction to Module 1: EU policies and actual guidelines on Non-Formal Education
13:00 - 14:30 lunch break
14:30 - 17:30 lesson. Module 2: NFE, different environments of practices and existing tools
Tuesday: 09:30 - 13:00 lesson. Module 3: Formal and Non-Formal, barriers and advantages, a possible dialogue
13:00 - 14:30 lunch break
14:30 - 17:30 lesson. Module 4: NFE in class and other environments of development
Wednesday: 09:30 - 13:00 lesson. Module 5: Teaching profession between Formal and Non Formal Education. The importance also of Informal learning for students
13:00 - 14:30 lunch break
14:30 - 17:30 lesson. Module 6: NFE, developing my learning and development pathway
Thursday: 09:30 - 13:00 lesson. Continuation of module 6
13:00 - 14:30 lunch break
14:30 - 17:30 lesson. Outdoor part. Walking tour and using Non-Formal Education in the outdoors
Friday: 09:30 - 13:00 lesson. Midterm evaluation. Sharing the learning of the week and having fruitful confrontation among participants
13:00 - 14:30 lunch break
14:30 - 17:30 Outdoor excursion to an old village on the coast in Calabria.
Saturday: 09:30 - 12:00 lesson. Closing the course: Evaluation and delivery of certificates, checking the Learning Mobility Agreements and administrative receipts. In the afternoon of Saturday afternoon, or free time or proposed Intercultural activities or an excursion "Discovering Calabrian old towns and traditions". Final social dinner among participants.
Certification and number of days
JUMP certifies or 36 hours for 6 days course (6*6) or more if needed adding extra hours per day. Or 30 hours for a 5 days course (6*5).
The course can be also extended to a 2 weeks course with the options 10 days or 12 days course if asked and agreed, depending on the project of the sending organization.
10 days are excluded the weekend (5+5), 12 days are from Monday to Saturday morning (6+6).
At the end of the training, JUMP delivers a formal certificate of attendance and the team is at disposal to fill the Europass certification document according to the EU model template and other needed documents for reporting of the sending institution.
Costs: the cost is fully covered by the Erasmus grant. Write to associazionejump@gmail.com to ask for information on costs and the services provided to plan your mobility project in Soverato with JUMP.