European Cultural Heritage as a pedagogical and integration tool in Education
Description and main aims
Draft proposed program
The idea of this training was born thanks to a Polish partner working in the field of languages and multiculturalism (Kontakt school) which is leading an Erasmus K2 project, a strategic partnership in the field of adult education titled: “Let's Teach Europe! European Heritage as a pedagogical and integration tool in adult education”. Thanks to international partners and a common work of research and studies, we matured experience in the valorization of Cultural Heritage and the creation of a methodological approach useful to enrich education and improve teachers’ competencies.
According to Unesco
The term cultural heritage encompasses several main categories of heritage:
Tangible cultural heritage:
movable cultural heritage (paintings, sculptures, coins, manuscripts)
immovable cultural heritage (monuments, archaeological sites, and so on)
underwater cultural heritage (shipwrecks, underwater ruins, and cities)
Intangible cultural heritage: oral traditions, performing arts, rituals
Natural heritage: natural sites with cultural aspects such as cultural landscapes, physical, biological, or geological formations
Heritage in the event of armed conflict
According to European official sources
Europe’s cultural heritage is a rich and diverse mosaic of cultural and creative expressions, an inheritance from previous generations of Europeans, and a legacy for those to come. It includes natural, built, and archaeological sites, museums, monuments, artworks, historic cities, literary, musical, and audiovisual works, and the knowledge, practices, and traditions of European citizens.
While the policy in this area is primarily the responsibility of Member States, regional and local authorities, the EU is committed to safeguarding and enhancing Europe's cultural heritage through a number of policies and programs.
Teaching Cultural Heritage is a very European tool because it aims at searching for our historical and cultural roots as Europeans. This is useful to develop European Citizenship competencies in students, to educate them to understand diversity and the importance of an intercultural approach to life. The topic of Cultural Heritage is furthermore connected with all subjects taught at school, history, geography, science, maths… as all subjects are connected, our roots in the different actual nationalities have a common ground.
Target group
Teachers can be any kind of teacher working in a public or private school or educational institutions
Like all our programs, the present one is flexible and adaptable to special requests, depending on the subject taught or on the starting level of the participant.
Furthermore, in line with the JUMP Academy method, our courses are based on a strategic balance between formal and non-formal education, indoor and outdoor education and the team takes care of a very important aspect of international mobility which is the intercultural learning which we develop with short excursions and facilitating the interaction with local partners, especially schools of the territory.
We always try to connect our learners to local teachers and students to cooperate in developing innovation and networking for future projects. If possible, inside the program, a morning is spent inside a local school, visiting, observing, and cooperating in the realization of one or more lessons. The proposed program JUMP works, in European dimension and with an international spirit, at the local level and, according to the period of the training along the year and the weather, it is possible to change some sessions and add visits and meetings, in cooperation with our network of partners including schools involved in European projects).
Training modules
1) Module 1: Introduction to Culture, Cultural Heritage and European Cultural Heritage
2) Module 2: Cultural diversity and different perceptions about culture
3) Module 3: Analysing Cultural Heritage & Diversity Lessons
4) Module 4: Teaching Cultural Heritage & Diversity
5) Module 5: Cultural Heritage Lesson: The Discovery Journey. Cultural Diversity Lesson: Different perceptions
6) Module 6: Design my own learning and teaching pathway
Sunday: arrival of participants, welcoming by the B&B , free time and relax
Monday, 9:30 Opening the program with a briefing from the organisers. Presentation of the team, ice-breaking games outdoors and walk to the city centre. Short sightseeing in Soverato, some basic info for orienteering, history and info points.
Lunch break.
Afternoon session. 15:00 - 17:30. Module 1: Introduction to Culture, Cultural Heritage and European Cultural Heritage
Tuesday morning. 9:30 - 12:30. Module 2: Cultural diversity and different perceptions about culture
Afternoon session: 15:00 - 17:00. Continuation of module 2.
Wednesday: Morning session. 9:30 - 12:30. Module 3: Analysing Cultural Heritage & Diversity Lessons
Lunch break. Afternoon session: 15:00 - 17:00. Module 4: Teaching Cultural Heritage & Diversity
Thursday: Morning session, 9:30 - 12:30. Module 5: Cultural Heritage Lesson: The Discovery Journey. Cultural Diversity Lesson: Different perceptions
Visit a local school. Working with teachers and students.
Lunch break. Afternoon session: outdoor emotional team-building walk to Soverato Superiore.
Friday: Morning session, 9:30 - 12:30. Module 6: Design my own learning and teaching pathway.
Saturday afternoon, free time. Final dinner among participants to say Goodbye to Soverato.
Sunday: departure of participants.
Certification and number of days
JUMP certifies or 36 hours for 6 days course (6*6) or more if needed adding extra hours per day. Or 30 hours for a 5 days course (6*5).
The course can be also extended to a 2 weeks course with the options 10 days or 12 days course if asked and agreed, depending on the project of the sending organization.
10 days are excluded the weekend (5+5), 12 days are from Monday to Saturday morning (6+6).
At the end of the training, JUMP delivers a formal certificate of attendance and the team is at disposal to fill the Europass certification document according to the EU model template and other needed documents for reporting of the sending institution.
Costs: the cost is fully covered by the Erasmus grant. Write to to ask for information on costs and the services provided to plan your mobility project in Soverato with JUMP.