ABOUT Volu.M.E The European Voluntary Service (EVS) is one of the most developed educational programs (already 20 years old, but constantly developing as is now visible in the creation of the „European Solidarity Corps, ESC), as it hosts a large of number of young people each year, a number which is growing day by day, project by project, country by country. VOLU.M.E. project was born from a need to offer participants an advanced learning experience on EVS & ESC, which will deal with the quality and support measures of the implementation of the EVS & ESC projects as meaningful learning processes. The project is named Volu.M.E. - wanting to be heard of course as loud as possible - VOLUNTEER MANAGEMENT ENHANCED - deeper into issues. This project will deal with Volunteering, Youth participation, International Volunteer Management and Mentoring.
Weimar, Germany | 23rd – 30th of March 2018
Lysos Paphos, Cyprus | 7th -13th of July 2018