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Sustainable Entrepreneurs

Make cash out of trash

Erasmus Plus K105 - Youth Exchange

Project Summary

The main objectives of this project are:
1) Developing the entrepreneurial spirit of 24 young people and 6 group leaders from the 6 partner countries;
2) Empowering the 24 youngsters and 6 group leaders from the 6 partner countries. in the development and implementation of small sustainable businesses in rural areas;
3) Improving the skills needed to manage, sell, promote and sustain a rural company for 24 young people and 6 group
leaders from the 6 partner countries;
4) Training 24 young people and 6 group leaders from the 6 partner countries, in sustainable business management in
rural areas.

Leader: Asociatia Alternativa Eco - ROMANIA

The youth exchange will be held in Romania from 05.09.2021 - 12.09.2021

Partner countries







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