I'm a 24 years old independent movie maker, capable of directing, filming and editing short movies and documentaries, with a tested experience in the sector.
I have a bachelor's degree in DAMS (Disciplines of the Arts, Music and Spectacle) with a focus on Cinema, Television and new media.
My passion for cinematography was born during my last highschool year, by attending a filmmaking laboratory taught by the independent filmmaker Luca Piermarteri. After highschool I soon started working as an assistant for my former cinema teacher, learning precious experience in movie making techniques, editing softwares and working on sets.
My capabilities made me able to teach moviemaking to teenagers and kids as young as twelve years old for many school projects that were aimed at instructing the new generations the importance of media literacy.
I've worked in this field since I was 18 years old, in the beginning as an assistant and later down the line as camera operator, video editor and teacher.
The main projects I've worked to are "Castelli al Cinema": an initiative by the MIUR to bring a moviemaking laboratory in up to 7 highschools in the Castelli Romani area, "Foscolo Film Production": a cinema laboratory of the Ugo Foscolo High School, "Class Action": a documentary about the last year of Highschool of the students of the I.T.T. Livia Bottardi, "Aldo Salerno" a documentary about the former amateur football coach Aldo Salerno.
I'm really passionate about my job and I'm constantly seeking ways to improve and new challenges.