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KA205 - Strategic Partnership for youth
The partners
Official website by JUMP
Project Summary
M.O.T.H.E.R. Project (Mobility Opportunity Training for a Higher Employment Rate) is a strategic partnership in the field of Erasmus Plus YOUTH sector which involves a consortium of 6 partners representing 6 countries: JUMP (IT), Municipio de Lousada (PT), FACE (MK), Ecocenter Alapítvány (HU), AKTYVISTAI (LT), IED (GR). From Sept2020 to Aug2022 a team of experts in the actual labour market and in the international dimension of working in Europe, with specific competences in e-learning, e-coaching, social entrepreneurship, marketing, digital and social innovation, communication and business acceleration will recruit 240 disadvantaged and unstable young people 18-30 years old (40 per partner) divided into 2 main groups: the MOTHER workers and the Free Workers Online (FWO). So-called "atypical" and precarious workers who are not - at moment - categorized in any repertory of the actual labour market. From one side all what is considered the future of ICT professions: smart workers working everywhere, with a laptop and Internet connection, using foreign languages, as individuals or in small teams, responsible for their timetable, free-lances, precarious and paid depending on the reached goals or daily based. On the other side, the MOTHER workers: linked with the "motherland" and the local context, using hands and creativity, producing concrete objects, aiming at selling and develop small business, working in familiar environments especially in the field of craft, agriculture, food-agrarian chain but also health, beauty, wellness, textile, cooking. MOTHER partners represent for them a support team for a concrete virtual and physical meeting through the creation of an intellectual output: the "MOTHER social platform for business of youths". MOTHER Platform is a virtual space to MEET, create an innovative professional profile, get to know each other and be guided with the goal to develop successful cooperation at local and international level. The mobility plan of the project foresees 2 Learning Mobilities: A training for e-coaches in Portugal, and "the M.O.T.H.E.R. Social Economic Forumin Calabria" for potential MOTHER workers and Free Workers Online (FWO) in Soverato who meet after having started to use the platform to consolidate the cooperation and plan future developments. Coordinating partners organise
4 Transnational Project Meetings in Skopje, Hatvan, Kaunas and Larissa assuring efficient management and a dynamic coordination
2 series of Multiplier Events aimed at increasing the number of involved youths.
MOTHER idea was born in the deep South of Italy, in Calabria, which is the context more “in need” due to the highest youth unemployment rate of Europe (55.6% of the population unemployed between the ages of 15 and 24). Partners represent other local contexts with similarities and differences but at the European level, they are all part of the wider European framework characterised by a new emergent "youth unemployment". At the base of the MOTHER project, there's the state of the art that the worldwide labour market is changing faster than legislation and policies which don't sustain a real sustainable development where youths play a central role. Media and ICT are powerful tools if used in the proper way; potential workers escape from the motherland to find new opportunities and jobs without knowing that, maybe behind the corner, there's the person who can give them the right and competent “impulse” they need. MOTHER workers are stable and rooted in land traditions but they don't know foreign languages, they would need a colourful attractive website but in the small town, there's no the right web designer. A Free Worker Online is somewhere, sitting in a studio and could be the missing piece to complete the “business puzzle” of the MOTHER worker.
The methodology is based on the organization of several local meetings, recruitment of youths moving to their local contexts, use of digital tools, e-coaching, e-training and online support to meet and work.
1) support new youth workers to enter and be sustainable in the actual worldwide labour market;
2) strengthen in youth strategic competences and soft skills increasing their entrepreneurial activity and the realisation of new ideas,
3) develop social and digital innovation connecting two and more sectors of the actual youth employment framework,
4) develop a social platform where MOTHER workers and FWO can meet and develop concrete cooperation,
5) create a kit of tools useful for many youths to become new empowered entrepreneurs who can learn from home supported by experts and new partners,
6) develop a European network of creative and smart people able to increase the employment rates in Europe,
7) start a long term process of growing and learning among 6 partners interested in widening the network reaching at least a member per Country of the EU
8) create an intergenerational dialogue and cooperation between more and less experienced in the field of entrepreneurship
JUMP - Gioventù in riSalto |
Município de Lousada - Divisão da Comunicação, Património, Cultura, Educação e Desporto |
Ecocenter Alapítvány |
FACE. Foundation Agro Center for Education |
IED. Institute for Entrepreneurship and Development |
- P1: YOUTH: Promoting entrepreneurship education and social entrepreneurship activities among young people
- P2: YOUTH: Promoting engaging, connecting and empowering young people
- P3: HORIZONTAL: Innovative practices in a digital era
1) Entrepreneurial learning, entrepreneurship education
2) International cooperation, international relations, development of cooperation
3) Access for disadvantaged
1 Intellectual Outputs
12 Multiplier Events
4 Transnational Project Meetings
Kaunas and
2 Learning Mobilities
Training for
e-coaches in Portugal
"the M.O.T.H.E.R. Social Economic Forum - Calabria"
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