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Green Fingers

Green Fingers project aims to develop basic and transversal abilities in several target public which are going to be directly affected by this project. The main goal of the project is to include, integrate and create a dignifying life and work opportunities for youths belonging to social minority groups such as the Roma community, refugees and migrants. We intent to use organic farming as an innovative tool for the development of skills and knowledge for these youths to be able to create their own financial support and possible business and job opportunities. It is also expected, based on the international dimension of the project, for these youths to socialize, share experiences and ideas with one another belonging to different countries, cultures and realities and become more aware of their roles in their local society, in Europe and as human beings. It is very much intended the development of competencies related to the verbalization of opinions and points of view of these youths about the world considering a more active civic participation.

The project is designed to include 6 transnational meetings: 3 Transnational project meetings, 1 Blended mobility events and 1 Multiplier event for dissemination of results. The venues will be different locations among the partner organizations' working place: Niyrtelek, Hungary; Volda, Norway; Soverato, Italy and Calarasi, Romania. The entire description of each activity is done in detail in section "G. Project Management and Implementation" of this application. Each partner will be responsible for the development and maintenance of an organic farming sample garden according to their conditions of farming and possibilities. The different partners will also be responsible for choosing the participants for the project and the Blended mobility events based on what they see fit as long as the participants belong to locally social a minority group.

Each organization is also expected to present their participants and their social situation to the other organizations so to foment a more inclusive environment. A responsibilities agreement will also be generated by the coordinating organization and discussed during this meeting. Each partner will be asked to agree to theirs responsibilities and sign the agreement. The document will always be available to changes according to the need and by suggestion of any of the partners involved in the project. The program will occur at the local garden sample garden used the YMCA and YWCA youths. We count as well with Friends for Understanding for supplying us with the necessary knowledge.

At the end of the project, the participants should have been able to generate the necessary working tools to create their own job opportunities. Green fingers' ultimate goal is to allow youths providing from different social minority groups to develop a healthy growing and working environment for themselves and their families. With this project the participants will be able to learn a way to economically sustain themselves and their families by growing their own food and possibly creating business opportunities with the products of the sample garden. It is also expected that after the end of the project, the participants will continue the good practices acquired during its duration on their own by continuing farming and producing vegetables and fruits at their homes. It is also expected that the participants develop a conscientiousness of their belonging to a national and international environment.

Hence it is essential that this project occurs at an international level. Sense of international and European integration will be one of the beneficial outcomes for these youths lives as global citizens.n This experience will allow the participants to acquire a feeling of integration and belonging to their local community, their country and the creation of a European citizen at last.

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4 amazing partners


Volda kyrkjelege fellesråd

ITALY, Soverato

JUMP Gioventù in riSalto

HUNGARY, Niyrtelek

Filadelfia Evangélikus Egyházközség

ROMANIA, Calarasi

Tineri in Europa




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